Trade show displays consist of custom exhibits, rental exhibits, pop up exhibits and custom rental exhibits. Custom rental exhibits, as its name implies, is a combination of custom and existing rental components.
The 20' in-line custom rental exhibit above uses custom built components such as the reception counter ,overhead panel with lighting and graphics. The existing rental parts include furniture and wall - side panels. Custom rental exhibits gives your exhibit an unique look without the commitment or expense of a custom exhibit. Custom rental exhibits are a great solution if you only plan to exhibit once or twice a year or if your budget does not allow for a fully customized exhibit.
The 20' in-line custom rental exhibit above uses custom built components such as the reception counter ,overhead panel with lighting and graphics. The existing rental parts include furniture and wall - side panels. Custom rental exhibits gives your exhibit an unique look without the commitment or expense of a custom exhibit. Custom rental exhibits are a great solution if you only plan to exhibit once or twice a year or if your budget does not allow for a fully customized exhibit.
For more information about custom rental trade show exhibits, contact Dimension Craft Inc or call 773-925-6500. Dimension Craft Inc. is a designer and builder trade show exhibits.